Import a StyleBook to configure an application for the Autoscale group

You can import your own StyleBooks to create an application configuration. The Autoscale group StyleBooks are similar to traditional StyleBooks. However, the StyleBooks to configure applications on NetScaler Autoscale groups and instances have a few variations. This article helps you to become familiar with the StyleBook rules to configure an Autoscale application.

Before you create an application, ensure to complete the Autoscale configuration for the required public cloud.

In the Choose StyleBook page, click Import New StyleBook. For more information on the import options, see Import and use StyleBook.

Import Autoscale StyleBooks

The Autoscale group StyleBooks have a few mandatory parameters. The following attributes list describes the variation between the Autoscale group and traditional StyleBooks:

  • Type - In the header section, include the type attribute with the value: autoscale.

     type: autoscale

    This attribute ensures the StyleBook is used to configure an application on the NetScaler Autoscale group only. And, it restricts the StyleBook from appearing in the Applications > Configuration > StyleBooks list.

    The following is an example header of the Autoscale group StyleBook:

     name: autoscale-params
     namespace: com.citrix.adc.commontypes
     version: "1.0"
     description: "This StyleBook defines the parameters required for Autoscale Deployment"
     display-name: "Autoscale Parmeters StyleBook"
     private: true
     type: autoscale
     schema-version: "1.0"
  • Application Name - This parameter describes the application name and description. Specify the label field to display the parameter in the NetScaler Console GUI. This field is a string type.

         name: app_name  
         label: "Application Name"  
         description: "Name of the Application"  
         type: string  
         key: true  
           updatable: false  
           required: true
  • Virtual IP address - This parameter describes the IP address of a virtual server. The Autoscale group updates this parameter automatically.

         name: ip_address  
         label: "IP Address of the LoadBalancer"  
         description: "IP Address of the LoadBalancer"  
         type: ipaddress  
           hidden: true
  • IPSet - When you deploy an application, an IPset is created on clusters in each availability zone.

    • In AWS, the domain and the instance IP addresses are registered with DNS/NLB.

    • In Azure, the domain and the instance IP addresses are registered with the Azure traffic manager or ALB.

    • In Google Cloud, the domain and the instance IP addresses are registered with the Google Network Load Balancer.

    You can specify IP addresses or an IP set in the Autoscale group StyleBook.

         name: ipset
         label: "IPSet"
         description: "Configuration for network ipset resource"
         type: string
           hidden: true
Import a StyleBook to configure an application for the Autoscale group

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