
Configure the name for RDP files

Upon downloading an RDP file, it can be stored locally with the configured file name.

Configure a name for RDP files

To configure a name for RDP files using the CLI, at the command prompt, type:

set rdpclientprofile <Name> -rdpfilename <filename>.rdp

To configure a name for RDP files using the GUI:

  1. Navigate to Citrix Gateway > Policies > RDP.
  2. On the RDP Profiles and Connections page, click Client Profiles tab. Select the client profile where you want to configure a randomizing RDP file name functionality.
  3. On the Configure RDP Client Profile page, enter a name for the RDP profile in the RDP File Name field. The name of the file must be in the following format, . A maximum of 31 characters are allowed for the name.
Configure the name for RDP files