Installing and configuring the NSLOG server

During installation, the NSLOG server executable file (auditserver) is installed along with other files. The auditserver executable file includes options for performing several actions on the NSLOG server, including running and stopping the NSLOG server. In addition, you use the auditserver executable to configure the NSLOG server with the IP addresses of the NetScaler appliances from which the NSLOG server starts collecting logs. Configuration settings are applied in the NSLOG server configuration file (auditlog.conf).

Then, you start the NSLOG server by running the auditserver executable. The NSLOG server configuration is based on the settings in the configuration file. You can further customize logging on the NSLOG server system by making additional modifications to the NSLOG server configuration file (auditlog.conf).


The version of the NSLOG server package must be same as the NetScaler. For example, if the version of the NetScaler is 10.1 Build 125.9, the NSLOG server must also be of the same version.

The following table lists the operating systems on which the NSLOG server is supported.

Operating system Software requirements Remarks
Windows Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000/NT, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2 -
Linux All Linux distributions that are compatible with GNU C Library (GLIBC) version 2.31 or later -
FreeBSD FreeBSD 6.3 or later For NetScaler 10.5, use only FreeBSD 8.4.
Mac OS Mac OS 8.6 or later Not supported on NetScaler 10.1 and later releases.

The minimum hardware specifications for the platform running the NSLOG server are as follows:

  • Processor - Intel x86 ~501 megahertz (MHz)
  • RAM - 512 megabytes (MB)
  • Controller - SCSI

Installing an NSLOG server on the Linux operating system

Log on to the Linux system as an administrator. Use the following procedure to install the NSLOG server executable files on the system.

To install the NSLOG server package on a Linux operating system

  1. At a Linux command prompt, type the following command to copy the NSauditserver.rpm file to a temporary directory:

    cp <path_to_cd>/Utilities/auditserver/Linux/NSauditserver.rpm /tmp

  2. Type the following command to install the NSauditserver.rpm file.

    rpm -i NSauditserver.rpm

    This command extracts the files and installs them in the following directories:

    • /usr/local/netscaler/etc
    • /usr/local/netscaler/bin
    • /usr/local/netscaler/samples

To uninstall the NSLOG server package on a Linux operating system

  1. At a command prompt, type the following command to uninstall the audit server logging feature:

    rpm -e NSauditserver

  2. For more information about the NSauditserver RPM file, use the following command:

    rpm -qpi \*.rpm

  3. To view the installed audit server files use the following command:

    rpm -qpl *.rpm

    *.rpm: Specifies the file name.

Installing an NSLOG server on the FreeBSD operating system

Before you can install the NSLOG server, you have to copy the NSLOG package from the NetScaler product CD or download it from The NSLOG package has the following name format:

AuditServer_<release number>-<build number>.zip

For example:

This package contains files for all supported platforms: Linux, Windows, and FreeBSD. On a FreeBSD operating system, install the NSLOG package that has the following name format:

audserver_bsd-<release number>-<build number>.tgz

For example: audserver_bsd-10.5-58.11.tgz

To download the NSLOG package from the Citrix website, follow these steps:

  1. In a web browser, go to
  2. In the menu bar, click Log In.
  3. Enter your login credentials, and then click Log In.
  4. In the menu bar, click Downloads.
  5. From the Select a product list, select NetScaler.
  6. On the NetScaler page, select the release for which you want to download the NSLOG package (for example, Release 10.5), and then select Firmware.
  7. Under Firmware, select the NetScaler firmware for the build number for which you want to download the NSLOG package.
  8. On the page that appears, scroll down, select Audit Servers, and click Download File next to the package that you want to download.

To install the NSLOG server package on a FreeBSD operating system

  1. On the system to which you have downloaded the NSLOG package AuditServer_<release number>-<build number>.zip (for example,, extract the FreeBSD NSLOG server package audserver_bsd-<release number>-<build number>.tgz (for example, audserver_bsd-9.3-51.5.tgz) from the package.

  2. Copy the FreeBSD NSLOG server package audserver_bsd-<release number>-<build number>.tgz (for example, audserver_bsd-9.3-51.5.tgz) to a directory on a system running FreeBSD OS.

  3. At a command prompt for the directory into which the FreeBSD NSLOG server package was copied, run the following command to install the package:

    pkg_add audserver_bsd-<release number>-<build number>.tgz


    pkg_add audserver_bsd-9.3-51.5.tgz

    The following directories are extracted:

    • <root directory extracted from the FreeBSD NSLOG server package tgz file>NetScalerbin (for example, /var/auditserver/netscaler/bin)
    • <root directory extracted from the FreeBSD NSLOG server package tgz file>netscaler/etc (for example, /var/auditserver/netscaler/etc)
    • <root directory extracted from the FreeBSD NSLOG server package tgz file>\netscaler\samples (for example, /var/auditserver/samples)
  4. At a command prompt, type the following command to verify that the package is installed:

    pkg_info | grep NSaudserver

To uninstall the NSLOG server package on a FreeBSD operating system

At a command prompt, type:

pkg_delete NSaudserver

Installing NSLOG Server Files on the Windows Operating System

Before you can install the NSLOG server, you have to copy the NSLOG package from the NetScaler product CD or download it from The NSLOG package has the following name format AuditServer _<release number>-<build number>.zip (for example, This package contains NSLOG installation packages for all supported platforms.

To download the NSLOG package from the Citrix website, follow these steps:

  1. In a web browser, go to
  2. In the menu bar, click Log In.
  3. Enter your login credentials, and then click Log In.
  4. In the menu bar, click Downloads.
  5. Search to find the page that provides the appropriate release number and build.
  6. On that page, under Audit Servers, click Download to download the NSLOG package, having the format AuditServer_<release number>-<build number>.zip , to your local system (for example, ).

To install NSLOG server on a Windows operating system

  1. On the system, where you have downloaded the NSLOG package AuditServer_<release number>-<build number>.zip (for example,, extract audserver_win-<release number>-<build number>.zip (for example, from the package.

  2. Copy the extracted file audserver_<release number>-<build number>.zip (for example, to a Windows system on which you want to install the NSLOG server.

  3. Unzip the audserver_<release number>-<build number>.zip file (for example,

  4. The following directories are extracted:

    1. <root directory extracted from the Windows NSLOG server package zip file>\bin(for example, C:\audserver_win-9.3-51.5\bin)
    2. <root directory extracted from the Windows NSLOG server package zip file>\etc (for example, C:\audserver_win-9.3-51.5\etc )
    3. <root directory extracted from the Windows NSLOG server package zip file>\samples (for example, C:\audserver_win-9.3-51.5\samples)
  5. At a command prompt, run the following command from the <root directory extracted from the Windows NSLOG server package zip file>\bin path

    audserver -install -f <directorypath>\auditlog.conf

    <directorypath>: Specifies the path to the configuration file ( auditlog.conf). By default, log.conf is under \<root directory extracted from Windows NSLOG server package zip file\>\samples directory. But you can copy auditlog.conf to your desired directory.

To uninstall the NSLOG server on a Windows operating system

At a command prompt, run the following from the <root directory extracted from Windows NSLOG server package zip file>\bin path:

audserver -remove

NSLOG Server Command Options

For information about NSLOG server commands, see Audit Server Options.

Run the audserver command from the directory in which the audit server executable is present:

  • On Windows: \ns\bin
  • On Solaris and Linux:\usr\local\netscaler\bin

The audit server configuration files are present in the following directories:

  • On Windows: \ns\etc
  • On Linux: \usr\local\netscaler\etc

The audit server executable is started as ./auditserver in Linux and FreeBSD.

Adding the NetScaler Appliance IP Addresses on the NSLOG Server

In the configuration file ( auditlog.conf), add the IP addresses of the NetScaler appliances whose events must be logged.

To add the IP addresses of the NetScaler appliance

At a command prompt, type the following command:

audserver -addns -f <directorypath\>\auditlog.conf

<directorypath>: Specifies the path to the configuration file (auditlog.conf).

You are prompted to enter the information for the following parameters:

NSIP: Specifies the IP address of the NetScaler appliance, for example,

Userid: Specifies the user name, for example, nsroot.

Password: Specifies the password, for example, nsroot.

If you add multiple NetScaler IP addresses (NSIP), and later you do not want to log all of the NetScaler appliance event details, you can delete the NSIPs manually by removing the NSIP statement at the end of the auditlog.conf file. For a high availability (HA) setup, you must add both primary and secondary NetScaler IP addresses to auditlog.conf by using the audserver command. Before adding the IP address, make sure the user name and password exist on the system.

Verifying the NSLOG Server Configuration File

Check the configuration file (audit log.conf) for syntax correctness to enable logging to start and function correctly.

To verify configuration, at a command prompt, type the following command:

audserver -verify -f <directorypath>\auditlog.conf

<directorypath>: Specifies the path to the configuration file (audit log.conf).

Installing and configuring the NSLOG server