Create a DNS service

A DNS service is a representation, on the Citrix ADC appliance, of a physical DNS server in the network. A DNS load balancing virtual server sends DNS requests to the DNS server in the network through such a service.

Create a DNS service by using the CLI

At the command line, type the following commands to create a DNS service and verify the configuration :

-  add service <name> <IP> <serviceType> <port>
-  show service [<name>]


add service Service-DNS-1 DNS 53
show service Service-DNS-1
        Service-DNS-1 ( - DNS
        State: DOWN
        Last state change was at Fri Jul  2 10:14:32 2010
        Time since last state change: 0 days, 00:00:13.550
        Server Name:
        Server ID : 0   Monitor Threshold : 0
        Max Conn: 0     Max Req: 0      Max Bandwidth: 0 kbits
        Use Source IP: NO
        Client Keepalive(CKA): NO
        Access Down Service: NO
        TCP Buffering(TCPB): NO
        HTTP Compression(CMP): NO
        Idle timeout: Client: 120 sec   Server: 120 sec
        Client IP: DISABLED
        Cacheable: NO
        SC: OFF
        SP: OFF
        Down state flush: ENABLED

1)      Monitor Name: ping-default
                State: DOWN     Weight: 1
                Probes: 3       Failed [Total: 3 Current: 3]
                Last response: Failure - Probe timed out.
                Response Time: 2000.0 millisec

Add a DNS service by using the GUI

  1. Navigate to Traffic Management > Load Balancing > Services.

  2. In the details pane, click Add.

  3. In the Create Service dialog box, specify values for the following parameters as shown:

    • Service Name*—name
    • Server*—IP
    • Port*—port

*A required parameter

  1. In the Protocol* drop down list, select a supported protocol (for example, DNS).

  2. Click Create, and then click Close.

Create a DNS service